

在你的第一次会议之前,建议你检查一下 host control guide(打开新窗口).  本指南提供了如何使用相机、麦克风和其他会议控件的信息 to facilitate your first meeting.

另外,协助进行会议设置、控制等功能 使您的变焦会议更富有成效和参与,我们建议您查看我们的 All Inclusive Getting Started on 变焦 Guide


变焦 Passcode Encryption 

“在邀请链接中嵌入密码一键加入”是默认开启的.  每当你 在会议中添加密码,变焦会将密码嵌入到会议链接中.  以前,会议链接只包含会议ID,主持人必须记住 to give attendees the link or ID AND the 密码.  Now, the meeting link includes the encrypted 密码.  您可以一键为与会者提供此扩展链接 join to your meeting.  You can still give attendees the Meeting ID and Passcode, and they can join by entering this information in 变焦.  While this setting is on by default, you can turn it 从 in your 变焦 settings.  只需登入 http://阿卜苏.变焦.us (打开新窗口),选择左侧菜单上的设置,搜索“在邀请中嵌入密码” link for one-click join.”  Finally, remember that someone can share information with 任何人,无论你是共享链接和密码,加密链接,还是会议ID和 密码.  考虑除密码之外的其他安全选项来保存变焦会议 安全.

User Authentication

随着变焦使用量的增加,安全性变得越来越令人担忧.  一个选择 确保会议安全的方法是“只有经过身份验证的用户才能加入”.”  When enabled, the host can allow only users with an 365bet 变焦 账户 (@阿卜苏.Edu或@my.阿卜苏.edu)或 任何变焦帐户.  请注意,这是一个可选的设置,可能会添加额外的步骤 for your attendees to join.  除了身份验证之外,确保会议安全的其他选项 include requiring registration, passwords, and waiting rooms.  Important note when 使用“与会者必须登录他们的365bet 变焦帐户”:任何365bet教职员工/学生 can have an 365bet 变焦 账户; however, they must “claim” it.  用户必须进入 http://阿卜苏.变焦.us (打开新窗口) 然后用他们的单点登录凭证登录,创建并申请他们的帐户.  您必须在尝试登录需要的会议之前完成此步骤 身份验证.  如果他们没有首先激活他们的365bet帐户,他们的单 sign-on credentials will not work in 变焦.  As a host, if you require 365bet 身份验证, 请通知潜在的与会者,他们必须首先创建他们的365bet 变焦.


教务处发布了一份文件,帮助教师实施学生隐私政策 从FERPA到通过视频会议进行的课堂教学.  这些指导方针 支持365bet加强学生和数据隐私并应用于视频会议的努力, 比如变焦. 请阅读 365bet学生使用视频录制课堂的隐私指南 会议.  变焦 is your ally in protecting students.  Several settings can affect the recording layouts and content in the recording.  请使用 变焦 Cloud Recording Quick Guide 以帮助您确定适合您情况的最佳云记录设置. 

Recording to the Cloud

Cloud recording is an option for all meetings/webinars.  When you record a meeting 然后选择“录制到云端”,可以录制视频、音频或聊天文本 变焦云,并通过您的365bet 变焦帐户在线访问. The recording files can be downloaded to a computer or streamed from a browser. Several settings can affect the recording layouts and content. 请使用 变焦 Cloud Recording Quick Guide 以帮助您确定适合您情况的最佳云记录设置.  它是 同样重要的是要注意,365bet必须有云记录存储限制 管理. 

365bet has limited cloud storage.  No one can record additional videos to the cloud if we exceed the storage limit.  Your assistance with this is essential.  Please review your 变焦 cloud recordings often and delete where possible.  Watch this short video (打开新窗口) 要了解有关从录音中删除整个录音或特定文件的详细信息,请 更新你的录音设置,从变焦下载文件.


Is the recording something you actively use in classes?
当您的课程处于活动状态时,这些录音应该保留在变焦中.  学期结束后, you may reconsider saving these recordings.  If the videos do not contain students and you plan to use them again, consider moving them to YuJa.

录音不是为了某门课程,或者不是你正在积极使用的东西,而是什么 你想保持?
从变焦下载录音,然后从变焦删除云记录 账户.  这样,你就有了一份你想保留多久就保留多久的文件副本, and it frees up space in 变焦 for you to make new recordings. 考虑搬家。 给YuJa的视频.

What are you recording from each meeting?
缩放是非常灵活的,允许多种“视图”和文件类型,当你制作 一个记录.  我们已经调整了默认设置,以更好地平衡最常见的 used recordings with the campus’ space needs.  You can review and change these settings 为你着想. 

Have you heard about YuJa?  With YuJa, you can upload video files, like those you ,并通过链接与他人分享,或使用YuJa媒体选择器 tool to add videos directly in D2L.  YuJa even has a video creation tool and editor, 因此,如果你使用变焦制作视频而不是录制讲座,请考虑YuJa.  距离 Education also has a limited number of licenses to Camtasia and Snagit.

变焦在全球范围内使用,是网络连接行业的领导者 target for those wishing to cause harm or be disruptive.  You must consider the security 的会议设置,以保护您和会议参与者.  你需要 确保您的会议远离不受欢迎的与会者,并知道如何管理您的会议 设置和参与者,如果他们进来或者你有破坏性的参与者.

变焦提供 变焦 Trust Center (打开新窗口).  请参阅本网站,了解有关变焦安全、隐私、 legal and compliance, trust and safety, and transparency.  We have curated some content that you might find helpful here:

变焦可以帮助您参加视频会议课程.  帮助 变焦帮助你,告诉你的学生1)从他们的365bet 变焦加入课程 帐户或2)当从浏览器加入并提示输入他们的名字时,他们必须 enter their name to match the class roster.  


The old tried and true “here!” method will still work in 变焦.  You can call out names and have students respond audibly with their microphones.

非语言的反馈 (打开新窗口) 

口头“here”方法的一种变体是叫别人的名字,然后让他们回应 nonverbal feedback like the “Yes” or “Thumbs Up” icon.  The feedback will appear next to the student’s name on the Participants list.

轮询 (打开新窗口) 

Create a poll with a getting started question for the day.  It could be as basic as, “Are you present in class today?”  You can see who responded if you did not make the 匿名的调查.  您甚至可以创建一个投票,并在定期会议中使用它.  After the meeting, you can run a report to see the poll results (打开新窗口).


After the meeting, log into http://阿卜苏.变焦.us (打开新窗口), select Reports on the left side menu, then Usage Report.  The report will give you a searchable list of all the meetings you have hosted.  Under the Participants column, the number of participants will appear.  Select the number, and you will see an exportable list of participants’ names.

变焦 for 从ice hours?  Yep, it's just another fantastic way to use 变焦! 在变焦中设置一个定期会议,允许学生停下来提问.  看看这个 变焦 for Office Hours guide.

Stop One Participant's Video

The meeting host or co-host can stop a participant’s video.  Select the Participants 按钮,将鼠标悬停在与会者名称上,选择“更多”,然后选择“停止视频”.  另外, 查看与会者的摄像机时,可以选择省略号按钮(…)和 停止视频.  参与者不能打开他们的摄像头,除非主持人或共同主持人 goes back in and selects “Ask to Start Video.”  

Stop All Participants' Videos

在安排会议时,选择您的设置,以便与会者的视频显示 从 at the start of the meeting.  Once the meeting starts, select the 安全 button and uncheck Start Video.  Participants will not be able to turn on their video.  If 有人已经打开了他们的视频,它将保持打开状态,不会自动关闭 从.  If you want to turn their video 从, see the option above.  我们建议你方 tell participants when you are not allowing video.  Otherwise, they may believe they are experiencing technical difficulties.