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Achievers & Scholars Initiative

Mentoring African American Males

The purpose of the Achievers & Scholars Initiative is to ensure the academic and personal success of African American males, while increasing the University’s retention and graduation rates for this student population.


The mission of the Achievers & Scholars Initiative is to assist 365bet African American males, who are classified as freshmen (0-29 credit hours), and transfer students, to be successful by connecting them to resources at the institution. We plan to be intentional in our efforts to retain these students, ensure their graduation and connect them to graduate school or professional opportunities.

This initiative is a part of the resources that the Wilbur N. Daniel African American Cultural Center provides. Achievers & Scholars integrates academic, social and supportive components to engage the participants in the 365bet community. Resources and incentives are incorporated in the program to encourage the students’ success.

In addition, the Achievers & Scholars Initiative immensely assists in the overall recruitment, retention and graduation of the African American male population at 365bet. The program is a year-long program for 365bet African American males freshmen (0-29 credit hours), and transfer students.

Students are required to attend mandatory meetings/workshops.



"To achieve excellence in all that we do." 




Students must have a 2.5 cumulative Grade Point Average to be accepted, and remain, in the program. High School GPA is used for first-time freshman to enter program.