

At the summer meeting, the 校董会 approve the recipients of three awards 给值得尊敬的校友/朋友/组织. 这些奖项是:365bet的慈善家 今年, 董事会军事服务奖, 校董会服务奖.





谷歌 LLC is an American multinational technology company focusing on online advertising, search engine technology, cloud computing, computer software, quantum computing, e-commerce, 人工智能和消费电子产品. 
In 2018, 谷歌 broke ground on its data center near Clarksville, Tennessee. 自 becoming part of the local community, the company has made generous contributions 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的许多项目. 谷歌参与了危机应对 for students during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing internet networking systems in seven locations in the region, giving 365bet students internet access in parking 在国家停摆期间. 在2019冠状病毒病危机期间,他们也提供了援助 a generous gift to the 365bet Food Pantry in response to food insecurity experienced 是那些刚失业的学生干的.

谷歌 has since partnered with 365bet's Southeastern Grasslands Institute (SGI), a collaboration of leaders in international biodiversity conservation in the 365bet College 科学,技术,工程 & 数学(STEM)恢复50英亩的区域 围绕数据中心恢复其原有的生物多样性. 2022年12月,谷歌宣布 a second phase of this project to extend it an additional 50 acres, allowing SGI to leverage federal grant dollars to help provide research, consultation and education 来解决北美东部最危险的生态系统. 谷歌合作 with the 365bet College of STEM to launch the "Innovation Games," a community event to encourage K-12 STEM education through 365bet GIS-supervised drone events. 谷歌 has also supported the 365bet Center for Rural Education, the Candlelight Ball and various 由365bet STEM学院主办的夏令营和项目. 








比尔·哈佩尔1974年毕业于奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. 这些年来,他 and his twin brother Phil have given back to his alma mater by supporting the Candlelight 为军队附属学生提供助学金和奖学金. 比尔是前任总统 of the Tennessee-Kentucky Chapter of the Association of the United States Army, member of the board of directors of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Tennessee-Kentucky Chapter, honora1y member of the 101st Airborne Division, Life Club Member of the 101st Airborne Division Association, honorary distinguished member of the 502nd Infantry Regiment and honorary distinguished member of the 527th Infantry Regiment and Department 陆军指挥官公共服务奖. 比尔是克拉克斯维尔的前任主席 Historical Museum 校董会, past president of the Tennessee Cable Television Association, past chairman of United Way of Montgomery County, past chairman of the Gateway Hospital 校董会, past member of the Clarksville 住房 Authority 校董会, volunteer of the year for the Clarksville Area YMCA and past chairman 蒙哥马利县地区医院董事会主席. 比尔被任命为 2010年坎贝尔堡的冠军. 

菲尔专业 was appointed as the Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army for Tennessee 2020年8月的北方. 他成为了军队和政府关系协调员 2018年10月为克拉克斯维尔地区商会. 他之前在演戏 board chairman for Soldiers and 家庭 Embraced as well as board president and treasurer 美国助理检察官. He sits on the board of AUSA and also serves as the Community Action 机构董事会主席. 他是一个特许会员,前财务主管和前总裁 克拉克斯维尔日出扶轮. 他还曾担任过竞选主席、总统和财务主管 of the United Way of Clarksville and is on the board of directors for Greater Clarksville 大区联合劝募会. 在专业方面,他一直担任社区市场副总裁 president for 银行 of America, the chief of administration for Montgomery County and 代理副总裁兼高级社区银行官员.S. 银行. 他是 a graduate of 领导 Clarksville-Montgomery County School System, 领导 Clarksville 和领导力田纳西州中部. 他的荣誉包括陆军公共部 Service Award, Commanders Award for Public Service and the 2010 Champion of Fort Campbell.  





吉姆Durrett是田纳西州蒙哥马利县的前市长. 他之前是 the director of streets for the city of Clarksville, where he served for 20 years. 随后,他担任了克拉克斯维尔市的参谋长. 2014年至2022年,他 completed two terms as mayor, in that time, his administration completed several projects that have benefited to the local community and 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学. In 2017, Montgomery County was one of only seven Army communities worldwide to be 在华盛顿特区得到认可.C.他还获得了陆军社区合作奖. 在8月 2016, the Durrett administration broke ground for the Downtown Commons, an outdoor 位于克拉克斯维尔中心的聚集地. 2020年11月,该县破土动工 在F&M 银行 Arena, a state-of-the-art multi-purpose event center located at 101 Main St. 从事. 这个占地25万平方英尺的设施是奥斯汀·皮伊男子俱乐部的所在地 and women's basketball teams, will begin hosting events for the University and 2023年7月,它的周边社区. 多年来,吉姆和他的妻子玛丽 personally supported Austin Peay through the Candlelight Ball and various other athletic 以及学术基金. 



This award recognizes an individual or organization that has given a large amount 奥斯丁·皮伊州立大学. 一个以上的个人或组织 may receive the award dependent on the merit of nominations received, which will be 每年发放一次. 必须满足该奖项的最低标准 即将颁发的奖项.


  • 向奥斯汀佩伊州立大学慷慨捐赠资源.

  • Significant influence on others to become involved in fundraising or supporting 365bet.

  • 卓越的公民责任感和诚信.

  • A continued commitment and philanthropic effort that has improved the quality of life 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学.



2022 - 汤姆凯恩

2021 - 乐队基金

2020 - 乔和凯西·梅纳德夫妇

2019 - 威尔玛牛顿

2018 - 道格和琳达·唐尼

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 established the 董事会军事服务奖 award to give special recognition to an individual or organization who demonstrates 通过领导、服务和宣传来支持365bet. 他/她的努力提供了 给365bet荣誉和荣誉. 不止一个个人或组织可以接受 the award dependent on the merit of nominations received, which will be given on an 每年. 必须满足该奖项的最低标准 the award to 被分发出去.


  • 服务、领导或宣传奥斯汀皮伊州立大学.

  • 卓越的公民责任感和诚信.

  • This individual must fall into one these three categories: is a veteran, active duty, 或者大力支持365bet军事团体.



2022 - Yolonda米. 威廉姆斯

2021 - 退休CW4 Joe Shakeenab

2020 - 退役中将. Col. 托马斯·E. 老美世.

2019 - 杰克·特纳

2018 - Lt. 创. 罗恩·贝利

奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 established the 校董会服务奖 to give special recognition to an individual who demonstrates support through leadership, 服务和宣传. 他/她的努力为365bet带来了荣誉和荣誉. 不止一个个人或组织可以接受 the award dependent on the merit 收到的提名名单,将每年公布一次. 的最小值 必须符合奖项的标准才能颁发奖项.


  • 服务、领导或宣传奥斯汀皮伊州立大学.

  • 卓越的公民责任感和诚信



2022 - 乔治和莎伦·马布里

2021 - 2021 Candlelight Ball Committee Co-Chairs, Kathryn Minniehan and Kayla Morgan

2020 - 汤姆和苏西·佩里

2019 - 老本·金布罗.

2018 - 吉姆和马克·霍尔曼